Background & news
The shortest route is not always the most direct one. It took 40 years for Michel to realise that film music was his vocation.
After a childhood bathed in classical music, he discovered rock music at the age of 20 and abandoned his studies in economics to set up a recording studio. Between doing odd jobs to earn a living and some acting jobs, he became involved in community groups where he developed his innate skills in organisation and management. He discovered improvisation, did a few plays and gradually moved away from music.
But the call of Apollo pursued him. Music caught up with him by chance in 2010 when he was doing a play and the stage director asked him to do the sound design. This was like a delayed but irresistible flash of lightning that made him drop everything he was doing and assume a passion he thought was extinguished.
His experience in theatre had developed a very pronounced taste for narration and narrative techniques. He is familiar with the pace and atmosphere of stories, visual textures and sounds, the notion of irony, tragedy, burlesque, etc. Above all, he loves to stay focussed on the intention.
Within a few years, his inexhaustible eagerness and tireless quest for precision has enabled him to turn his late career into an advantage. He has recently produced music for films by Stéphane De Groodt, Thierry Michel and Patrick Ridremont. He has also found an area of expression in the particular and demanding universe of series, and particularly appreciates collaborations with other composers.